Health Visiting Teams

Our Health visitors are nurses or midwives who work with families to give pre-school-age children healthy lifestyles and prevent illness.

Support is given to families as required and contact is maintained through mandated visits during the first two years of life. The role also involves multi-disciplinary work with GP’s, assistant practitioners, social workers, midwives, children’s centre staff and others as required.


Enquiries for Health Visiting should be directed to the appropriate team. You can find contact details by searching our directory by postcode.



Health Visiting

Click here for more information about Health Visiting in Birmingham

The Health Visiting Virtual Hub

The Birmingham Forward Steps Health Visiting Virtual Hub offers a single point of access, making it easier for you to contact us and have your questions answered. The hub provided parents and carers of pre-school children, and professionals virtual access to a Health Visitor who can offer advice and support. The Hub is available in Edgbaston, Erdington, Hall Green, Hodge Hill, Ladywood, Northfield, Perry Barr, Selly Oak, Sutton Coldfield, and Yardley.

Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)

Click here for more information about the Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)

Baby Check App

Baby Check features 19 simple checks that parents can do if their baby is showing signs of illness. The app then lets parents know whether their baby needs to see a doctor or health professional

Birth to Five

Information on caring for children up to five years old


Birmingham and Solihull United Maternity and Newborn Partnership - working to improve your maternity experience

Child Development Centres

Click here for services for pre-school children with physical or developmental delay who may need additional help, support or intervention in order to reach their potential


ICON is all about helping people who care for babies to cope with crying.

NHS Start 4 Life

Trusted NHS help and advice during pregnancy, birth and parenthood

Responsive Bottle Feeding

Click here for information about bottle feeding.

Relationships and Baby Brain Development

Information and videos about how to get to know your baby and how you can help them learn and develop.

Safer Sleep for Babies

Keeping your baby safe during their sleep is very important. Click here for useful links

The UK Sepsis Trust

The UK Sepsis Trust (UKST) exists to fight this life-threatening condition, stop preventable deaths and support those affected by sepsis


Free sexual health services for Birmingham and Solihull

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